
Herzlich Willkommen im ... Hotel ...

The Prora S-Bahn train stop.

[EN] The brief stop was just long enough to exit the S-Bahn train at the grassy bank where the sign read “Prora”. Salty spring air greeted us as the beach vendors were firing up the first bratwursts for the season. An old concrete road guided us from the grassy bank to the abandoned structures and a door ajar. We went inside.

[SE] Det korta uppehållet var precis tillräcklig för att hinna av pendeltåget vid grässkullen där skylten meddelade "Prora". Salt vårluft mötte oss samtidigt som försäljarna på stranden satte fyr på säsongens första bratwurst. En sliten betongväg ledde oss från gräskullen till de övergivna huskropparna och en dörr på glänt. Vi gick in.

When it's spring time at Prora.

The wings lined up.

My first encounter with the classic DDR era street lamp and possibly the Badlamp to start it all.

Ground floor corridor.

Stairway lichtspiel.

Long, long corridors. One of many.

Hygiene department 1.

Heavy duty wash basins in the hygiene department.

Türtantz at Seebad Prora. Rügen, Germany. March 2008.

Top floor landing.

Flake fest!



Wall deco in the canteen area on the ground floor.

Dining hall on the ground floor.

Canteen on the ground floor.

Ground floor hallway column with Soviet-sized paint flakes.

Wall joint deco with patina.

A view too classic to leave out.

Ein bratwurst by the sea, bitte.


“Aircraft Recognition Service”. A cold war era sign that was used to board up a door on the ground floor (the image is tilted). It was dark and I was travelling light so no tripod, hence to grainy quality.

Know your enemy aircrafts!

ASKA.nu © 1999-2025 Björn Sahlberg