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Kodak's former headquarter, lab and warehouse in Stockholm. Built in the late 60s, abandoned by Kodak in the autumn of 2000 and demolished in 2011. With five visits in one week Kodak Hill rests firmly on top of the “Most Visited Sites in Shortest Time Span” list.

These photos were first posted on Flickr back in 2007. The album generated some very interesting feedback which I've added as well.

Kodak Hill plans on drawing film at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

Kodak Hill plans on drawing film.

Exterior No. 1 at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Exterior № 1.



This is on the backside of the building, still with the patio and the canteen in your back?

I think this part of the building is the big storage rooms for all the film and the photo papers, etc.



Nope, this is from between the main buildings. Behind me are a row of trees and a three stories high, flat, red wall.



Ah! I had forgotten about that layout of the building!

Sektion A-132 at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

“Sektion A-132”.

Exterior No. 2, with snail at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Exterior № 2, with snail.



This is on the patio, right? You have the blue wall and the bench to your back?



No, no, no. Fel, fel, fel, fel. See new nifty all clickable layout, eh! :-)






och jag som skulle sommarjobba där som femtonåring... chefen som var gift med min mors väninna, sa att han aldrig träffat någon som var så ointresserad vid intervjun... att jag inte fick ett sommarjobb där behöver jag kanske inte tillägga...



du missande inget! haha



Hehe, man kan ju inte lyckas jämt! :-)

Kodak Vision Color Negative Film at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

“Kodak Vision Color Negative Film”.



I have no memory of any Kodak Vision film.

Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Main entrance interior.

Harmonious Sink

Harmonious Sink

Am I just really high, or does that mound of dirt on the ground look like a woman's dress hat with a feather sticking out of it?

Harmonious Sink

Harmonious Sink

Wait, wait, i think I know what it is!

A mound of dirt and dead plant whose planter was presumably knocked over and broken?



no no, it is a dress [hat] with a feather sticking out!


always go with the most imaginative thing



Dress hat. Definitely a dress hat!


In fact, this could be something the Swedish queen would wear at the next Nobel price party :-/

Beware! Kodak workers inside at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Beware! Kodak workers inside!

Graffiti by 'Wizard' in the warehouse section at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Graffiti by “Wizard” in the warehouse section.

The door is alarmed at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

“The door is alarmed ...”. Ooops.

The gutted halls became a graffiti hall of fame at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

The gutted halls became a graffiti hall of fame.

Inläsning av program från floppy-disc at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

“Loading programs from floppy disc.”

The first rays of morning sun at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

The first rays of morning sun on the warehouse back wall.



With five visits in one week's time Kodak Hill is on top of the Most Visited Places Within the Shortest Time Frame list. This was shot in the late small hours on a July morning. It was a treat exploring the quiet and empty building on my own as the day was dawning.

Photo CD at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

Kodak Photo CD. Did that ever take off?

Almost matching at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Almost matching.



Ah! Your boots are in Kodak Color!



Sharp and vivid like the Kodachrome :-)

Tasteful Earth

Tasteful Earth

Hmm hmm

Kodak notebook from 1975. And more at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

Kodak notebook from 1975. And more.

An unexpted mural at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

An unexpected mural.



I guess this was part of a children's area?

Downsized sticker at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

Downsized sticker.

Stockholms fotomaraton. 24 bilder på 24 timmar at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

“Stockholm's Foto Marathon. 24 pictures in 24 hours.”

Canteen patio at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.


This is the patio where we sometimes had lunch outdoors during summer. But mostly the young summer extra at the lab just sat down inside, had a quick "fil med flingor" and then went out and sat on the grass for a bit. We only had 30 minutes lunches, and just the walk down from the lab to the lunch restaurant took 5 minutes each way.



Yes, I thought this must be the lunch place (or café) considering all the chairs and bar inside. But the top-to-bottom tiled rooms in the back made me wonder though.



Sandra, kan du historian bakom de här kodak bussarna?

Vintage Kodak VW buses

Quietly borrowed from Yann's Flickr



Jag har ingen aning! Det måste ju vara någon som vet ... hum ... jag såg att du hade skrivit på din sida att de kanske var portabla labb, låter inte det rimligt? Bokbussen och bildbussen! haha

Undrar när Kodak började med sin verksamhet att man skulle skicka in sina filmrullar direkt till deras labb. Jag minns att när jag var liten på 80-talet så gick man till den lokala fotohandlaren som i sin tur skickade in fotorullen och sen fick man vänta i all evighet. Tänk vad man gick med på ... bara för att det inte fanns andra alternativ.

A Kodak Gold soft pouch for prints (?) at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

A Kodak Gold soft case for prints (?).

Tiled backroom at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Tiled backroom.



Is this the old kitchen in the canteen?

The canteen was a little bit off from the rest of the building. A long corridor led from the offices, storage rooms, and the lab to the canteen. Along the corridor they had conference rooms, and a little kiosk where staff could by Kodak products to a reduced price.



Kitchen! Yes, that sounds just like it. And I thought these tiled rooms might have been for mixing chemicals. Silly of me, considering the neighboring luncheon.



Very cozy looking ;)
Love the atmosphere



Thanx! :-) Yeah, like straight outta the new Ikea catalogue, right! :-) The interiors of the side building are rather badly trashed but a few rooms in the back are almost untouched. It's around here the squatters' been hanging and since I was alone and it was getting dark I felt not too comfy. Need to go back and check out the remaining rooms and halls!

Dina minnen är 'Gold' värda at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

“Your memories are worth their weight in Gold.”

Canteen interior at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

The fridge.



I guess this is part of the former canteen. It was pretty big, and had its own kitchen à la school kitchen.

The lab workers called the people working in the office section for “mattorna” (The Carpets), since they had chic floor carpets in the offices. Of course the male “mattorna” was also called “slipsarna” (The Ties).

In the canteen the lab women (yep, not many men working in the lab) sat separated from “mattorna”. And during summer the third party, made up by the summer extras, also sat by themselves.



Nothing left of those carpets today, I'm afraid. Didn't see much but raw concrete around, it being walls, floors or pillars. Nice marble stairs though. But on the other hand the office was what I left for last and it had gotten pretty dark then. There's at least one office floor to go. So, maybe ... let's hope!



In the lab area we we're on the 3rd floor, the very top floor. That's where the film bags arrived and left – so to speak.

We hire the Kodak laboratory at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden.

“We hire the Kodak laboratory”.

Good night, and good luck. Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

Good night Kodak Hill, and good luck.



Recovering at the Max hamburger restaurant after spending the evening inside the empty Kodak complex. Mostly it's huge, echoing halls but the low sun playing on freshly painted graffiti (no, not by me) made for some good shots, I think. Sleep well now.



you're insane!




Well ... I got my moments :-)

Team Kodak. Sätter färg på svensk friidrott at Kodak Hill. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.

“Team Kodak. Sets the colour for Swedish athletics.”

Kodak Hill fading. Stockholm, Sweden. July 2007.


hey! vad crazy, jag var precis och kommenterade på den här bilden igår!

Kodak Hill aerial

© Topherus



How cool that you've worked there! Then maybe you can tell me what the "side building" was used for. To me it looks like a combination of luncheon and chemical facility. And possibly there's an old mustard bottle of yours left in the refrigerator :-)



it is almost hard seeing these pictures of the old Kodak factory building. I spent two summers and some extra holidays there, and before that my aunt worked in the office department for some years. and my dad worked in the pre-printing industry, so he also had a lot to do with people working in this Kodak building.

I worked in the lab, in the pre-lab area and in the post-lab area. Pre-lab meant that we opened and sorted all the bags with film that arrived every day (after midsummer's eve it got nuts), and in the post-lab area we packed the printed pictures with new rolls of film and sent it out via post. It was fun but REALLY hard work. We were all girls, working very fast. To spend the time during this pretty tedious work, with few breaks and very little time to chat – I borrowed cassette books at the library in Kallhäll and brought with me, and then we all spent the summer listening to detective stories and other fiction books.



Yes, I can imagine that it must feel strange to see it all decayed now!

After playing Sherlock today I got to know that a) Kodak moved out in October anno 2000 b) Kodak does not own the property today c) it was to be made into some fancy IT-complex but the bubble burst just after the building had been cleared out d) I got an official OK to enter from the current owner and made an appointment right away! :-D

And thanks for your input on these pics, Sandra! It's great fun to have the cold hard facts from someone who was actually there.



Very cool Björn



Thanks, Johan! :-D

Slides From the Past

Photos found on site. Most likely from the late 60s when Kokak Hill was new. Scanned and supplied by my comrade Yann.

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.
© unknown

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.
© unknown

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.
© unknown

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.

Interior from Kodak Hill in the late 60s.
© unknown


July - August 2007

August 2024

August 2024

Nikon D70s Nikon 12-24 mm F/4 Nikon 60 mm F/2.8 Sony Ericsson K750i Photoshop

ASKA.nu © 1999-2025 Björn Sahlberg